Run - Implication

17th October 2075

Context and Longtime are contacted by Mr Wu through Longtime's fixer and old friend Cheese. His organisation wish to purchase a nightclub, and the current owner won't sell. They need to convince him to change his mind. It's a nightclub in Kowloon City just south of the Northern Reaches called Implication. The owner, Coydog, needs roughing up. There's no pay if he dies. The runners have been chosen due to the club being mage-friendly and doesn't like non-elves.

18th October 2075

The runners do some legwork. Longtime scopes out the building, finding a couple of entrances and a sweet sniper nest to view the building from. He speaks to Cheese and discovers the club is built on crossing feng shui lines of power, hence it being so attractive to mages. Cheese also believes Mr Wu is from the Red Dragon Association, a local powerful yakuza syndicate.

Context scouts astrally, and is stunned by the power surge when he enters the building. Once he gets his bearings, he sees it is full of hundreds of spirits, who are sunbathing in the astral power of the location. He also learns of the leylines, but cannot learn much from the spirits.

Context and Longtime meet up in a nearby soycaf, and plan. They research who is playing the club the next night. It is an astral soundscape DJ called Plethora Of Cliterii.

19th October 2075

Longtime orders some stick&shock rounds for his suppressed sniper rifle and Context buys a rather cheap and hurried charisma-boosting potion from his talismonger.

At roughly 10pm Context delivers a tooled up Longtime to a building near the club. Longtime uses his Gecko climbing gear to set himself up atop it.

Context drives his van to the club and parks outside it. There is a long line of elves, humans, and human elf wannabes, and a large number of locals milling around in the Kowloon City streets. A large troll bouncer is looking unimpressed. Context downs his charisma potion and starts fast talking the bouncer. He convinces the bouncer that he is Plethora Of Cliterii's bodyguard and that the DJ is demanding to speak to the owner. Eventually he convinces Coydog and an Ork bouncer to come out and go to the van. As they walk round, Longtime trains his sights on Coydog from the nearby rooftop. When they get to the rearside of the van, Longtime hits Coydog with a stick&shock round and he crumples to the floor unconscious. Context puts up a magical barrier to protect himself while Longtime trains his shots on the ork. 2 more bullets later and he drops too, amid screams from the crowds and a widening circle around them. Longtime packs up his sniper kit and runs. Context picks up the unconscious body of Coydog and carries him to the van. The troll bouncer comes round the corner and tries to rip the van door open, but Context escapes before he can.

The runners meet at a nearby underpass, and wake up Coydog after tying him up ... with his own trousers. They explain that it would be best if he took the yakuza up on their offer. Coydog hurriedly agrees.

Longtime then decides to go Full Batshit and thinks that as a reminder he will carve a red dragon into Coydog's chest with his combat knife. Coydog, fearing for his life, yells 'Sparky! Help!', and his bound fire elemental spirit pops into existence next to the runners. Longtime dodges the phoenix's fire breath while Context disrupts it with mana bolts. With that dealt with, Coydog promptly wets himself. The runners leave, contact Mr Wu, and get paid in 3000 nuyen of certified credsticks, picking them up from the Banshee.

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